
Saturday, August 23, 2008

On our funny half year anniversary haha

We accidently ventured into The paddington house of pancakes!

Yup ordering was a headache. took me 20+ minutes before I settled for something

Order # 123- The appetizing dish (more appetizing than hers right?) that I ordered

order # xxx - (occured to me that it loooks like some sort of popiah)

Oh well lets preserve some photos before we dismember the innocent looking pancakes!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lee Chong Wei Vs. Sony Dwi Kuncoro 21-9, 21-10!!! WWOOOOOO!!!

Chong Wei Advances in his bid to win Gold For Malaysia!
The sole athlete to keep the Malaysian flag flying in badminton did not let us down in his spectacular match against Sony Dwi Kuncoro!

Impressive Jumping Smashes and drop shots were the order of the day as Chong Wei emerges to lead both matches after tallying scores with Sony at the start of both matches. Sony couldn't do much but give sheepish grins after Chong Wei managed to get the better of him shuttle after shuttle!

I'm so proud of him! and gleefully enjoyed the match!

Go Chong Wei Go! Go Chong Wei GO!!!!