
Friday, January 29, 2010

Race- Country or Me?

a malaysian Says:

January 29, 2010 at 8:26 pm HERE

If we want to criticise the government for its race based policies, it is only fair we also criticise our own race based mentality. To point the finger only one way is sheer hypocrisy. We have ALL contributed to the rot in some way – with our way of thinking, our actions, our words, our inactions, our apathy. None of us can claim to be innocent.

How many of us see ourselves as Malaysians first followed by our ethnicity? I think we all know the answer is not many. How many of us hold on to age old stereotypes i.e. Malays are lazy & stupid, Indians are untrustworthy & violent, Chinese are greedy & selfish? I think we all know the answer is quite a lot. How many of us then are willing to (to quote the late Michael Jackson) ’start with the man in the mirror and ask him to change his ways’?

Just as the government is guilty of playing us against each other, we are also guilty of playing ourselves up against each other. If Malaysia is to have any chance of a better future, we MUST change our mindsets. The old way of ‘every race for itself’ is NOT going to work. We need to see ourselves and each other as MALAYSIANS first and everything else a distant second. Then and only then will the wheels of change begin to turn. Until then we will remain stuck in the pit of quicksand that is the past, sinking lower with each passing minute.

There is still some hope left but my fellow Malaysians (yes, MALAYSIANS not Indians, Chinese, Malays or dan lain-lain), voting is just the tip of the iceberg. In the same way we’re all gung ho about getting people to vote, we need to get them (ourselves included) to think or rather re – think. The real change starts much sooner. In fact it starts right now.

“Be the change you want to see” – Gandhi

Setuju! Setuju!



  1. Excellent said! huhu...I have hope because of the age of WWW and easy access to the truth.

  2. Yes! we need more nation-minded people if our country is to prosper! :-)

  3. nice blog you have. you have good idea and have ability to express it in words. nice to know :)

  4. Thanks wahyurez, but the article above isn't written by me.. except the setuju! Setuju! part Lol.
