Thursday, December 9, 2010
Float like a butterfly, Run like a lizard; on water!
The former got their name from being able to split the streams they run in into two.. heh, Just kidding.
It comes from their ability to run across water for 4-5 metres at a time, at their hindlegs!
why my sudden interest in these lizards?
Because right now I may be taking care of one!
This little guy, I don't his common name, nor his species but what I can describe about him, is this.
He measures Around 8.5cm from head to tail, at the moment,
with the head and body taking up 3.0 cm.. the rest of him all tail!
He's got a splayed hind foot, with the fourth toe the longest,
and he's got eye marking on the back of his head, something reminiscent of Cobras.
I'm guessing what he will grow up to be
1)- A Chameleon,
2)- An Iguana
3)- A running lizard
4)- A house lizard. LOL
And his long tail piqued my interest.
Here's what I found.
Bipedal Lizards at blistering speed
explains via freeze frame as well as videos (lab) how lizards run faster bipedally.
Here's a National Geographic Video, of a Young Basilisk Lizard runs on Water
And here: Is the explanation of how it freakin does it!
And I'd appreciate any guesses to what kinda Dinosaur or Dragon he is! :-)::-)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Need Help With Species Identification
Need your help with putting a name to the subjects of my photographs!
Location: FRIM Outpost in Teluk Intan/ Bidor and Teluk Intan itself
More photos of this series can be seen HERE
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Preview - NZ diaries
4) Learn to put Dale CArnegie to the fore. By going to someplace new, where everyone is a stranger, where no one has preconceived notions about me, I'm free to tweak my personality and demeanour. GRanted, I've always been myself, And now I'll try NOT to be myself, and see how that works for me, in terms of building relationships. Maybe the real me has been a Jackass all this while. LOL
5)I'll probably be stuck in my profession for at least a good 20 years (after which I'll aim for retirement one way or another. Medicine will be on the side. Like Potato chips on the side of Nando's Chicken, ru hui's favourtie dish. (Oh shit. In Leru's case, The chips are the main course, the chicken? probably she thinks of it as coleslaw. LOL). So, Before I get stuck in Mud for the next 2 decades, I'll go for fresh stuff and new experiences... and build life stories and anecdotes for my children.
6) maybe I can join an environmental network in New Zealand. And ruru can join the knitting and sketching society! That way when we get too bored with each other, we'd have other people to complain about each other. HEH!
SKydiving! Things to do! Play with kiwi bird! and compare size. ^.^
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Theatera Bombastica?
The branches and sections of the MMA, (SCHOMOS & PPSMMA) need to be active so that MMA grows. They need to garner more support for MMA so that MMA speaks with a stentorian voice on matters affecting the profession. Doctors should not stay billeted within the confines of their workspace. Doctors are not in a couture profession.
Have fun interpreting the Article!
The meanings are listed below in order of appearance
1. Booming
2. Lodging- staying in
3. High fashion design – as in haute couture
4. Assert
5.Prevent the Occurence of
6. Interpretation (used in the context of the bible)
7. Bubbly, (though its hard to imagine the DG of health being bubbly..)
8. A motley assortment of- the three stooges?
9. Ken. Comprende. Savvy
10. Sleep inducing - like our lectures
11. Think
12. Make obscure - cover with a veil
13. Foul-mouthed or obscene abuse. profanity
14. A spoken blessing (as opposed to deer meat? LOL)
15. Immense – referring to imaginary country of Brobdingnag (What the Hell?)
16. Conducive to peace
17. a member of the warriors who followed Achilles on the expedition against
(as opposed to following without thinking? well, it can't be helped if the leader's cerebral capacity is so constricted- think UMNO) lol.- coin- UMNO-nic stance.
(case in point
"Johor Baru Puteri Umno chief Azura Mohd Afandi wants the Information Ministry to curb television shows and commercials that could lead people astray from the right religious paths. “For example, commercials on sanitary pads are openly shown on TV and this could influence the young to get involved in social ills,” said Azura")
18. Leaving a rustic idyllic life- in this context, I think it means "rest and do nothing about", here.
19. Reason methodologically and logically
20. Restoring vigor or strength.
PS-*Theatera bombastica probably can't be found because... well, I coined it. Lol*
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Parenting: East Vs West 孩子教育学问深奥!
又一會而,托比出去和鄰居家的小朋友玩,沒多久,氣喘吁吁地跑回家,對蘇珊說:「媽媽,露西說我的褲子穿反了,真的嗎?」露西是鄰居家的小姑娘,今年5 歲。蘇姍笑著說: 「是的,你要不要換回來?」托比點點頭,自己脫下褲子,仔細看了看,重新穿上了。從那以後,托比再也沒穿反過褲子。
一天中午,托比鬧情緒,不肯吃飯。蘇珊說了他幾句,憤怒地小托比一把將盤子推到了地上,盤子裡的食物灑了一地。蘇姍看著托比,認真地說:「看來你確實不想吃飯!記住,從現在到明天早上,你什麼都不能吃。」托比點點頭,堅定地回答:「Yes!」我在心裡暗笑,這母子倆,還都挺倔 !
下午,蘇珊和我商量,晚上由我做中國菜。我心領神會,托 比告別愛吃中國菜,一定是蘇珊覺得托比中午沒好好吃飯,想讓他晚上多吃點兒。
我心疼了,想替托比求情,說點好話,卻見兒子對我使眼色。想起我剛到美國時,兒子就跟我說,在美國,父母教育孩子時,別人千萬不要插手,即使是長輩也不例外。無奈,我! 只好保持沉默。
那頓飯,從始至終,可憐的小托比一直坐在玩具車裡,眼巴! 巴地看著我們三個大人狼吞虎嚥。我這才明白蘇珊讓我做中餐的真正用意。我相信,下一次,托比想發脾氣扔飯碗時,一定會想起自己餓著肚子看爸爸媽媽和奶奶享用美食的經歷。餓著肚子的滋味不好受,況且還是面對自己最喜愛的食物。
臨睡前,我和蘇珊一起去向托比道晚安。托比小心翼翼地問: 「媽媽,我很餓,現在我能吃中國面嗎?」蘇珊微笑著搖搖頭,堅決地說:「不!」托比嘆了口氣,又問:「那等我睡完覺睜開眼睛時,可以吃嗎?」「當然可以。」蘇珊溫柔地回答。托比甜甜地笑了。
大部分情況下,托比吃飯都很積極,他不想因為「罷吃」而錯過食物,再受餓肚子的苦。每當看到托比埋頭大口大口地! 吃飯,嘴上臉上粘的都是食物時,我就想起外孫女。她像托比這麼大時,為了哄她吃飯,幾個大人端著飯碗跟在她屁股後面跑,她還不買賬,還要談條件:吃完這碗買一個玩具,再吃一碗買一個玩具……
蘇珊走上前,開清了事情的來龍去脈後,她一聲不吭,拿起小鍋,使勁敲到托比的頭上,托比沒防備,一下子跌坐在草地上,哇哇大哭起來。蘇珊問托比:「疼嗎?下次還這樣嗎?」 托比一邊哭,一邊拚命搖頭。? 說他以後再也不會這麼做了。
托比的舅舅送了他一輛淺藍色的小自行車,托比非常喜歡, 當成寶貝,不許別人碰。鄰居小姑娘露西是托比的好朋友,央求托比好幾次,要騎他的小車,托比都沒答應。
托比自己騎了會車,覺得有些無聊,看到那幾個孩子玩得那麼高興,他想加入,又覺得有些不好意思。他蹭到蘇珊身邊,嘟囔道:「媽媽,我想跟露西他們一起玩。」蘇珊不動聲色地說:「那你自己去找他們啦!」「媽媽,你陪我一起去。 」 托比懇求道。 「那可不行,剛才是你把露西弄哭的,現在你又想和大家玩,就得自己去解決問題。」
蘇珊的父母住在加利福尼亞州,聽說我來了,兩人開車來探望我們。家裡來了客人,托比很興奮,跑上跑下地亂竄。他把玩沙子用的小桶裝滿了水,提著小桶在屋裡四處轉悠。蘇珊警告了她好幾次,不要把水灑到地板上,托比置若罔聞。最後,托比還是把水桶弄倒了,水灑了一地。興奮的小托比不覺得自己做錯了事,還得意地光著腳丫踩水玩,把褲子全弄濕了。我連忙找出拖把準備拖地。蘇珊從我手中搶過拖把交給托比,對他說:「把地拖幹,把濕衣服脫下來,自己洗乾淨。」托比不願意,又哭又鬧的,蘇珊二話不說,直接把他拉到貯藏室,關了禁閉。聽到托比在裡面發出驚天動地的哭喊,我心疼壞了,想進去把他抱出來。托比的外婆卻攔住我,說: 「這是蘇珊的事。」
過了一會兒,托比不哭了,他在貯藏室裡大聲喊:「媽媽,我錯了。」蘇珊站在門外,問:「那你知道該怎麼做了嗎?」 「我知道。 」蘇珊打開門,托比從貯藏室走出來,臉上還掛著兩行淚珠。他拿起有他兩個高的拖把吃力地把地上的水拖乾淨。然後,他脫下褲子,拎在手上,光著屁股走進洗手間,稀里嘩啦地洗起衣服來。
托比的外公外婆看著表情驚異的我,意味深長地笑了。這件事讓我感觸頗深。在很多中國家庭,父母管教孩子時,常常會引起「世界大戰」,往往是外婆外公護,爺爺奶奶攔! ! 夫妻吵架,雞飛狗跳。
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Sentimental Luddite
With radio deejays, blog posts humming the Apple's Tune, there's really been a craze over it...
Now we have dad, mom, and child playing with gadgets during dinner, with grandma looking forlorn at the food because no one is talking at a meal.
I believe children who you shut up with gadgets, will really no longer talk to you when they are adolescents, being absorbed by the fancy tech, and the relationship will just turn worse into adulthood.
So I'm a luddite; until we can really plan, and educate them about using it responsibily. I've seen People who get caught up with gadgets, often turning into otakus, becoming less adventurous, reliant on their GPS, lose their natural instincts for adventure... bla bla bla..
It's really Sweat inducing, their mentality...
Technology should improve communication, not stifle it. Especially within families.
(the guy in blue, that's my saviour!)
who went out of his way to help secure a stay for me at a rival lodge because I'm a student who couldn't afford his accommodation. This swell guy actually called two other tour operators and even concocted the story of me being an exchange student to help me secure a stay in Ulu Temburong, without which these pictures would never have been taken.
I chatted with the lady during my 1st visit, on my second visit, she offered us free keropok lekor,
and on my 3rd visit, we enjoyed a coconut mango, straight from her garden!... It's a stall I vow to return to if and when I go there..
So on the last day before I left terengganu, I had a great game with uncles and aunties in terengganu, haha...
The purpose of an ad, is to make you unhappy with what you have.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Musings- Passing the buck?
Eh recap recap we're gonna do it again;
again and again, nothin' gonna change;
Rain rain, rain down the pain;
I will stand up to it;
stand up to the pain;
Embers of the flame;
tears of the shame;
crying, well, that ain't lame;
coz it helps to deal with the pain
Part of what shaped me into who I am today, silly as it may seem, stems from lessons I got, from Japanime.
The first anime that gave me a sense of direction, the unmistakable lesson of reasons to be, raison detre even, if you will
was Samurai-X.
Kenshin Himura, he was my hero of sorts.
He thought me about standing up for those who didn't have a voice,
to be true to myself, (oh how hackneyed can this be? LOL), to fight for what I believe is right... and that "truth" is what you perceive as real, though there may many versions of it depending who you are talking to ... where justice means very different things depending on where you stand.
Because of sanosuke Sagara, I punched the wall, hoping to train my knuckles into fists of steel. Futae no Kiwami- well, turns out there is Wolf's Law.. which states that bone hardens and toughens from stresses placed on it.
conversely, disuse weakens the bone, much as what is experienced by astronauts in zero gravity.
Either way, I punched my way thru year 2001 to 2010.. and indeed I have pretty tough fists.. if I may say so hohoho.. Few times, I punched till my hands bled. Just recently, I bled my knucles again, despite wearing protective bandage... and it was only a Sandbag... well me keeping at it for half an hour contributed much I guess!
Now I have a sense of deja vu with Naruto with the "pain" Arc...
The anime was so so from the start... dipped down very badly during filler arcs before shippuden.. and now things are really really picking up.
I think, these few days, watching selected episodes of the anime....
I figure that Jiraiya is my favourite character...
I don't know... maybe its him passing on his hopes and dreams onto his disciples.
Maybe its because:
Much as I try to better myself, in terms of spreading the conservation message...
I just seem to be knocking into many brickwalls.
From 2001, when I first brushed shoulders with environmentalism through the river terrapin conservation programme in Dungun, Terengganu with Prof Chan...
(prof chan is the one in the middle)
During which I ran into problems with a Canadian volunteer over the washing of plates. I spoiled her "system" by pouring away dirty dishwater which I thought she was gonna pour into the river... and that tensed up things in the camp...
Then came Anthony, the youngest kid on the block... I tried to take him "under my wing" in a way by showing off Pioneering techniques from my Scout years... But somehow I built a wall around myself during that time. He went on to become the Bayer's Environmental Envoy for 2008, and had a stint inGermany.. whereas I grovelled here still.. LOL
Maybe through both these incidents, Prof chan has a weird aura around her when Im around.. It lingers when I met her in 2008... this time for a turtle conservation programme with SEATRU in Pulau Redang... there is this wall, I don't know... that separates me from her... It just feels awkward... It really rears up during the environmental carnival when I asked a favour from her... things in fact.. turned cold.
"WAH! these two years must be a lot of Stress for you hor, to lose so much weight?" -.-'''
These events, coupled with failed lectures onto my fellow friends regarding environmentalism, failed recycling projects in my KTDI hostel... made me sorta wanna give up on this cause..
Maybe I should take more heed from naruto's never say die spirit instead of Thinking of passing the baton on..from Jiraiya who didn't have a choice.
The Rant/ Rap at the start is paying homage to one of Narutonime's theme song- "Make some noise"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ulu temburong Canopy Walk, Brunei
will do it early in the morning as well!- from what I heard.
multiply that unit by 20-30
(as I was on the tower @11am.. there were no misty sights, no hornbills, no gibbons, just swiftlets, bees and the occasional
Alternatively, your tour operator will provide you with a pair of Jungle adidas- One piece Rubber shoes that have magnificent grip although not something you'll want to appear with in KLCC.
I chose to camp instead of staying in the chalets
It depends whether you've tasted local food. Trandie's fod is yum yum!!